Fire Monitor


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Summary of the scope of use of remote control fire water monitor

  Regarding the scope of use of remote control fire fighting water monitors, it can be understood as two different meanings: the first is where the remote control water cannon extinguishing system can be installed. The second is the installation conditions of the remote control fire water monitor. Basically, when a customer asks the manufacturer about the scope of use of fire fighting water monitors, these aspects have meanings. Therefore, in response to this question, JunXunPu brand remote control fire water monitor manufacturers have compiled and shared with you today.

JunXunPu Fire Water Monitor

  Let me first talk about where remote control fire water cannons can be installed. Water monitors are fire fighting facilities, so since it is a fire fighting facility, it is reasonable to say that any place is suitable for installation and use, but in fact, according to the characteristics of the product and the data in some parameters, it can be seen that the residential houses of the residents cannot be used. One aspect is because of the small area, which causes a waste of resources. The other aspect is because of the high installation cost. Places such as shopping malls, warehouses, factories, schools, and auditoriums are very suitable.

  Let's talk about the installation conditions of the remote control fire monitor. According to the product parameters, it is stipulated that the installation height of the remote control water monitor should not be less than 6 meters. That is to say, it is not suitable for the installation of fire water monitors in buildings with an indoor height of less than 6 meters, because this involves the actual water monitor. The range will be shortened and problems such as failure to pass the acceptance. Of course, it is not suitable for installation in some environments with high temperature or interference, because it is prone to accidental spraying or non-working.

  Some customers may also worry about whether some flammable and explosive places cannot install fire fighting water monitors? The answer to this question is actually no, because there is a type of explosion proof type of water monitors, which are mainly used in chemical industry, oil field, Wells and other places, so as long as the buildings with a height of 6 meters or more can be installed with water cannons, it can be said that the scope of use is still very wide, but it is better to compare and make decisions when buying options.

Fire monitor,Fire cannon
Keywords: Fire monitor Fire cannon