Fire Monitor


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What is a remote control fire water monitor? Where can it be used

  What is a remote control fire water monitor? Customers who don’t know will usually have this question first, and some customers are also easy to confuse a fire water cannon with a water cannon. What is a remote control fire water cannon? In fact, it is a kind of modern and intelligent fire extinguishing equipment. In principle, the water cannons are used to extinguish fires, and the spray medium is water, but from the perspective of functional use, the difference between the two is still very big. So where can the remote control fire water cannon fire extinguishing system be used? ? Today JunXunPu brand remote control fire water cannon manufacturer will answer.

JunXunPu Fire Water Monitor

  Let’s briefly talk about what a remote control fire water cannon is. It is a fire fighting equipment that can be installed indoors or outdoors and can be manually or automatically sprayed to extinguish fires. At present, manual water cannons and automatic water cannons are popular on the market. It is used more outdoors, and the latter is more installed in indoor places. Both types of water monitors are divided into several models. For specifics, you can consult the manufacturer for further details according to your installation location.

  Next, let's talk about where the remote control fire water cannon can be used if installed indoors. Automatic water cannons, smart water cannons and large space water cannons are commonly used in shopping malls, schools, stadiums, factories, warehouses and other places. These places are either densely populated or have more flammable goods, and the installation of water cannons can Effectively guarantee the rapid fire extinguishing in a short time, thereby preventing the spread of fire and causing greater casualties and property losses.

  Of course, there is also an explosion proof type of remote control fire water monitor. This type of remote control explosion proof fire water monitor is mainly used in places such as coal yards, chemical plants, and oil fields. The characteristic of this type of place is that it is very easy to cause an explosion when a fire occurs, and the explosion-proof water monitor can explode. It is not damaged in the environment, and the effective rated flow and protection range of the explosion-proof water monitor are larger. As for the water monitors installed outdoors, they are mainly used on fire trucks or ships. They are characterized by manual control and a longer effective range.

Fire monitor,Fire cannon
Keywords: Fire monitor Fire cannon