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How many wires are connected to the fire water cannon

  When the customer asked about the number of wires connected to the fire water monitors, many people found 10 answers on the Internet, and they did not elaborate on how to connect these wires and why there are so many.

JunXunPu Fire Water Monitor

  Customers who have questions often want to know the number of water monitors in the factory on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also want to know the wiring of the fire water cannon fire extinguishing system. Then the following JunXunPu brand water cannon manufacturers will answer.

  Everyone knows that each manufacturer’s quotation for water cannon fire extinguishing systems is different. In fact, in addition to the different quotations, the production process, quality, and number of wiring are all different. The water cannons of the JunXunPu brand are different. For example, because the decoder is built into the water cannon during the production process, the number of installation wiring is much less. Only 5 or 6 wiring is enough. The purpose of this is to simplify the customer's installation and wiring steps.

  And the connections of these wires are also labeled at the factory. For example, the field communication line needs to connect the fire water monitor and control panel. The power cord needs to be connected to the water monitor, the field control panel and the host. For these three parts, the remote communication line connects the water monitor and the host, and the controlled solenoid valve power line connects control panel and the solenoid valve device. These are marked on the installation drawing. clear.

JunXunPu Fire Water Monitor

  Some manufacturers give the answer that 10 wires are needed to connect the fire water monitor of the plant, which includes the connection of the decoder. Of course, it is also possible that the number of wires is more.

  What the JUNXUNPU brand water cannon manufacturers want to explain here is that the reason why the JUNXUNPU brand water cannon has a small number of wires is to facilitate the customer to install wiring and reduce the error rate during installation. Therefore, if there are more wires, You need to pay more attention to the installation.

Fire monitor,Fire cannon
Keywords: Fire monitor Fire cannon